Thursday, February 15, 2007

Why I Won't Get A PS3, yet

I admit, I'm a ridiculous person as my friends already know. As a gamer I own NES, Sega Genesis, N64, GameCube, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, PSOne and PS2. I really enjoy the PS2, 360 and my Wii. Sony has simply priced the PS3 out of my consideration. At $599 dollars I would rather buy newer parts for my computer and go out drinking with friends. $599 dollars buys a lot of alcohol.

Problems I have with the PS3:
Price <- see above point
Games <- Resistance Fall of Man is cool but doesn't justify me buying a console for one game
Blu-Ray <- Don't really care for Blu-Ray or HD DVD. I'm perfectly content with DVDs.
HDMI <- I currently do not own a high def television, composite does look much better on my sanyo though. The Xbox360 looks really crisp
NO RUMBLE <- I like rumble, it gives some feedback and I've grown up with it. Not having rumble is weird to me
Playstation Online <- Xbox live has spoiled me. I am willing to pay the yearly fee for the convenience and interface of a service that considers ease of use
Guitar Hero <- The Guitar Hero Guitars don't work on the PS3. They Definitely dropped the ball on this one, backwards compatibility... helps keep gamers loyal. This is an example of a game that people play often and love to come back to. Personally I'm addicted.

Drop down the price, get some quality games out there and I will probably get a PS3. Until then Sony. ( or you could send me a demo/review model)

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