Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thoughts on OS X

Well I've added a Macbook Pro to my collection. I've been on it for a while now and I've been switching back and forth from OS X and Windows XP. Recently I updated to Snow Leopoard but I don't think I've been using OS X long enough to really appreciate the Snow Leopard update. It definitely feels like an update as opposed to an overhaul. We shall see how Windows 7 comes along.

Hardwarewise I'm enjoying the Macbook Pro. The unibody laptop definitely has a great build quality and hasn't given me any issues thus far. For those of you who are new to the macbook lines, be careful of the edges. They are quite sharp, surprisingly.

For any of you keeping up with this blog (I know, I know its been a while) don't worry I have not become a Apple only fan boy. I still use Windows XP for some things and see the benefits and cons of each so no worries there. For desktops I support Windows as the price of a Mac Desktop is utterly ridciculous, when you can build your own OS X tower legally, things might get a bit more interesting. For all you Linux/UNIX users out there, I'm really not nerdy or hardcore enough to have any input on that issue and defer on the fanboyism.

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