Tuesday, March 11, 2008

super smash bros. brawl and link's crossbow training

My 360 Red Ringed on me and I have gotten it back, but I've decided its time to show my Wii a little bit of love as it has been neglected lately. Since Super Smash Bros. Brawl is out I went to the BestBuy in Noho on Sunday and picked it up along with Link's Crossbow Training game, as I've been meaning to try the plastic zapper mold. I must admit, I have been having fun with these two games.

We'll start with Link's Crossbow. This game brings me back to Nintendo's original zapper game: DuckHunt. The plastic holder integrates the Wiimote and Nunchuck in pretty well, just don't expect to put it together and take it apart quickly. Out of laziness i've just relegated a set to the gun and just keep it in gun mode.

The game is fun, you point and aim your cursor and try to shoot targets and score points. There are score multipliers for consecutive targets hit without a miss. Where you hit the target matters with more points for hitting the bullseye. To mix things up a bit there are targets you can hit, enemies to shoot at for points and even a ranger mode where you move link around with the Nunchuck and turn him by aiming to the left or right off screen. It works pretty well and is quite fun. It isn't a long game but there is replay value as you go back to try to earn higher scores to get more medals. Some of the later levels will require a few retries and you can always go back for bragging rights for the high score. For 20 bucks its not a bad buy, you get the "gun" and the game. If you've ever enjoyed lightgun games and aren't expecting for a long shooting adventure and more of something along the lines of a more in depth wiiplay shooter its a definite buy. I hope that more games that incorporate the Gun come out soon.

Now onto the main entry: Smash Bros.

Anyone who has ever played any of the smash bros. be it melee on GameCube or the original on N64, this game is great fun and shows a good amount of polish. While on the surface it may seem to be just a button masher, there is skill involved for all you dedicated gamers. I appreciate the single play campaign that is included this time around and it is by no means short. Its also a great way to unlock characters that are hidden in teh game, to add to your roster. There is also the traditional solo campaign where you just pick your character of choice and try to get through all the brawls.

But what is Smash Brothers without multiplayer. Nintendo has integrated online play into this rendition of the game and it works, sort of. When i first got the game, finding a game online was .... rather impossible. There were few games to be found and I was frequently disconnected before a game was found. On Monday night, the online play was working better and finding me games, but I believe that wireless play for the game is still less than ideal. The game seems to slow down to the speed of the worst connection so the action becomes rather unfluid if there is a bad connection. This combined with the fact that unless you're hardcore and feel like setting up a match with three other friends, you have no control with regards to the connections you find. There are definite teething pains with the online component and in some regards I wish Nintendo had picked another game to give its online play the first go around, but on the other hand I hope that Nintendo figures out how to deal with the lag issues and makes improvements with Wii updates. To be fair Xbox live took a while to settle down into the great service that is now and Wii online is free, so I'll take it with a grain of salt.

The characters are beautifully animated and look pretty good on my HDTV (get the component cable, get rid of your composite if you're playing on HD) As I play more of it this week there will be future updates.

Verdict: buy, even if you don' t see the appeal yet, you will after you play it. Its also a great party game as anyone can pick up the game and play but it will stay in your wii for a while as there is a lot of depth in the game as well.

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